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Windows Seven

Windows 7 is the latest operating system by Microsoft Corporation for use on personal computers, including home and business, laptops and tablet PC released on the date of 22th October, 2009.

New Features
At first there is no difference between Windows Vista and Windows 7 for its same user interface, but main modification comes out when you working with your computer. Advance search option, stronger security policies, good reliability, faster response etc are the new features of Windows 7. The task bar has seen the biggest visual changes, where the Quick Launch toolbar has been replaced with pinning application to the task bar. Buttons for pinned applications are integrated with the task buttons. These buttons also enable the Jump List feature to allow easy access to common tasks. The revamped task bar also allows the reordering of task bar buttons. To the far right of the system clock is a small rectangular button that serves as the show desktop icon.
This button is part of the new feature in Windows 7 called Aero Peek. However this button makes all visible windows transparent for a quick look at the desktop. In touch enabled displays such as touch touch screens, tablet PC etc. This button minimizes all windows and clicking it a second time restores them. Additionally there is a feature named Aero Snap that automatically maximizes a windows when it is dragged to either the top or left or right edge of the screen.

At a glance the main new features in Windows 7 -
  • Four level security system on UAC.
  • Advanced index search in all computers on a Network.
  • New task bar icon.
  • Device stage technology.
  • Internet explorer 8.
  • Jump menu.
  • Multi-touch technology for touch-screen device.
  • Media player lightweight mood.
  • Easy network setup for Wi-Fi or Blue tooth network.
  • Faster technology for file transfer.
Removed features
A number of capabilities and certain programs that were a part of Windows Vista are no longer present or have been changed. Some notable Windows Vista features and components have been replaced or removed in Windows 7, including the classic start menu user interface, Windows Ultimate Extras etc. Windows Photo Gallery, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Calender and Windows Mail are not included with Windows 7, but they are instead available for free in a separate package called Windows Live Essentials.

System requirement:
Minimum hardware requirements for Windows 7
Processor: Pentium-4, 1 GHz
RAM : 1 GB
Graphics Card: 128 MB and Direct X9 compatible
HDD : 16 GB of available disk space
Optical Drive: DVD ROM

For better performance-
Processor: Pentium-4, 3 GHz
RAM : 2 GB
Graphics Card: 256 MB and Direct X9 compatible
and internet connection.

Overall windows 7 is more faster than Windows Vista. It's boot time is more less than Windows Vista. There are no hardware compatibility problem like Windows Vista. Now It is available in Bangladesh. Starter Edition-4000.00 BDT, Home Edition-8800.00 BDT, Professional Package-11,500.00 BDT, Ultimate Edition-15,000.00 BDT. Use original edition to get ultimate performance and stronger security.

To know more about Windows 7 visit


  1. This article is very useful to us. We expect next article may also fine...

  2. My computer sound system does not work properly. How can I do at this moment?

  3. @tourist guide
    Thank you for your comments. Stay with me...

  4. @Photo master
    May be your sound device problem. First plug all connection correctly. If don't work properly then install Realtak Audio driver or other which is support your computer. Thanks to stay with me....

  5. Hi,Boss My pc are n't run all games but all games are already installed. Before daya all games are play but now in this momemt games are n't work properly................
    Now at this moment what can i do............

  6. @Photo Master
    My be your computer attacked by virus. Check your computer by a licensed anti-virus.

  7. Hi,Boss pc are not more speedy work ,what i acn do in this moment please consultant me.................

  8. @photo master
    Update u'r anti-virus, degragment u'r pc drive, remove "temp", "%temp%", "recent" etc. Stop U'r automatic update for Windows from comtrol pannel.
    Give me feedback if u face problem...

  9. Hi vaia amar pcte akta khotin virus ace akhon ki korvbo

  10. @ejajul
    You may check your computer with a updated license anti-virus. Thanks for interesting with us...

  11. Hi , Boss Your blogsite is really excellent..........................


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