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Showing posts from January, 2010

How can you set two or more webpage as homepage in your browser?

Generally we can set one webpage as homepage in our browser. But if we need to set two or more webpage as homepage, it is possible. Just follow those step- (Firefox) Step-1: Go to Tools > Option > Main > Home Page Step-2: Now write your first favorate web address. Step-3: Then write " | " symble. Then write second favorate web address and continue this process if you need more webpage as home page. Example: " | | ".  (Microsoft Internet Explorer) Step-1: Go to Tools > Internet Option > General > Home Page Step-2: Now write your first favorate web address. Step-3: Then write " | " symble. Then write second favorate web address and continue this process if you need more webpage as home page. Example: " | | ".

Google Tips!

Generally we use as a search engine. But Google has many special features to help us to get exactly what we are searching for. Here some Google magic below- Calculator: Google had a built-in Calculator function. Just enter the calculation you'd like to calculate into the search box and click search. Then you find the calculation. Example: " 52*3+(sqrt 25)^18= ".  Weather: To see the weather for many worldwide cities in the world just type " Weather " space " City Name " coma ( , ) " Country Name ". Example: " weather Dhaka, BD ".  Time: To see the time in many countries or cities just type " time " space " Country or City Name ". Example: " time Dhaka ". Enjoy those tips and send me feedback using comments link. Ok best of luck.

How can you attach large file in Yahoo mail?

Generally we can attach 25 MB file in yahoo mail. But we can attach up to 100 MB file by an application in ".io" format. This is very easy process. Just follow those step- Step-1: From the left side of the yahoo mail window click the " .io Attach Large File" from the application bar. Step-2: A new page is open where you find the advantage of format. Just click the " Get Started Now ".   Step-3: Here you find a window named "Attach Large File". Click the " Upload button" . Now browse the file that you want to attach. After attaching the file click the "Upload and Compose E-mail" . Step-4: After uploading the file a new page open where you can find the E-mail compose form. Now you can compose your email, give the receiver id & then click send .

Computer Hang Problem Solution

Computer may be hang during working in Windows XP. In this time Not Responding message is shown. If you click the Close button then all working windows may close. You can avoide this problem by few steps. Just follow those steps... Go to " run " option from start up button or press " Windows key+R ". Type " regedit ". From the registry edit windows go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Control Panel > Desktop >click Then from the right side AutoEndTask >click>value data replace 0 to 1 then Ok. Now Not Responding program will be closed. As a result your computer hang problem will be solved.

Data Backup and Hard Disk Partition Solution

Windows operation system has a partition manager by default but it has some problem too. If you need to marge different partion into a bigger one or split a bigger partion, you must lost your data. EASEUS Partion Master is one kind of free partion utility for home users by which you can managing your hard disk and maximizing computer performance. You can resize, move, create, marge, split partition without any data loss easily and safely. This software support up to 2 TB partition or hard drive. You can also download the free backup software EASEUS Todo Backup to backup your important data firstly too. To download this software just click the following link-

Keep your computer faster and secure!!!

Anti-virus: Anti virus programe keeps your computer virus, malware and spam free. It also make your computer faster. Generally it is needed to buy the anti-virus programe but some anti-virus programe are totally free. One of them is " Avast" anti-virus program. To download it just click the following link, Advance System Care: It is very essential for computer security and safe computer from other spam software. To download it just click the following link, IObit Security 360: It is a parts of "Advance System Care" software but install it individually. Generally it is work as a security tools. To download it just click the following link, Smart Defrag: There is a defragment utility in Windows but Smart Defrag is more reliable then windows defragment tool. You can defragment your all ...

Analysis of Beep Code

AMI (American Megatrends International) BIOS Beep Codes: AMI BIOS uses beeps of the same length and pitch. The error is displayed as a number of beeps. Beep Code Meaning Possible Cause 1 Beep (No video) Memory refresh failure Bad Memory 2 Beeps Memory parity error Bad Memory 3 Beeps Base 64K memory failure Bad Memory 4 Beeps Timer not operational Bad Motherboard 5 Beeps Processor error Bad Processor 6 Beeps 8042 Gate A20 failure Bad CPU or Motherboard 7 Beeps Processor exception Bad Processor 8 Beeps Video memory error Bad vidoe card or memory 9 Beeps ROM checksum error Bad BIOS 10 Beeps CMOS checksum error Bad Motherboard 11 Beeps Cache memory bad Bad CPU or Motherboard

Read PDF file on your web browser!!!

Genarally PDF reader needs to read PDF file but in online it is very difficult to read PDF file. But the firefox users can read the pdf file by adding the gPDF addon. Click the following link to get it

How can you change your Yahoo mail password?

Sometimes we need to change our mail password but everybody we do not know how to change the mail password? Now I want to describe how can you change your Yahoo mail password? Step-1: Sign in your mail account. Step-2: From the drop down menu click your Account Info as like the picture. Step-3: Another window open where you have to give your current yahoo password. Step-4: Then you can see your account information where you found a menu like "Change your password". Click here. Step-5 Then give your Current password, New password and Conferm your new password and click save. Now  Sign out from your account and again Sign in your account with new password and thats all about Yahoo Mail Password Change steps.

How can you calculate your internet speed?

It is very easy to calculate your internet speed. Just follow those step... Step-1   Open your web browser and write this address: Step-2   Click the following link   Step-3   Wait for replay...   Now you can see your real internet speed!!! 

Windows Shortcut Keys

Win + D Minimize/ View all windows Win + E My computer Win + F Open search option Win + F1 About Windows help Win + L Logging to other user Win + M Minimize/ View all windows Win + Shift + M Maximize all windows Win + R Open "run" dialog box Win + U Open Utility Manager Win + Break System Properties Win + Tab Move through task-bar programs Win + Ctrl + F Search for Computers Alt + Tab Move through opened windows Alt + F4 Close active windows Alt + Enter Show selected item properties Alt + Space-bar Open system menu of active window Alt + Space-bar + N Minimize the active window Alt + Space-bar + C Close the active windows Alt + Space-bar + X Minimize the active window Alt + Space-bar + M Move the active window Alt + Tab Scroll with working windows Alt + Ctrl + Del Open Windows Task Manager Shift + Del Permanently Delete document Shift + Ctrl + Del Windows Task Manager Ctrl + Esc Start Menu Windows ...

How to Back Up Windows Registry

Registry back up is very important for Computer. Sometime virus damage regedit file that is dangerous for our computer. So we need to backup a copies of registry file. It is very easy... Go to " run " option from start up button or press " Windows key+R ". Type " regedit ". From registry editor windows click the root sub-key that contains all the child sub-keys and values that you want to back up. From the file menu click Export. Then click save menu , give a name of the registry backup file and save the .reg file where you want to save.