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Showing posts from March, 2010

Browse website in offline!!!

Now you can browse your favourite website in off-line by copying site with a small software. "HTTrack" is such kind of software by which you can copy any website. You can download this software from here . After installing this software you need to open the software and give the web address that you want to copy. Then after completing copy you can browse that website from your hard disk.

Ubuntu Games in Website

Few days ago only technical person use Linux. But now a days many people use Linux as their operating system. "Ubuntu" is most popular version of Linux. In Linux operating system by default some small games are installed. But you can't play standard games in Ubuntu, this is a common problem. If you connected to Internet you can download Ubuntu games for your PC. Click here for download Ubuntu Games!!!


NComputing is the new concept for green computing. You can put up to 30 users on one computer, Save money about 75% on hardware, about 75% on maintenance and about 90% on electricity!!! Is it possible? Yes it is possible by NComputing technology. Actually NComputing technology is established with three stages. vSpace Software: It allows standard Linux and Windows PCs to be shared by multiple simultaneous users. With vSpace, each person runs their own applications, just as if they had their own PC. UXP communications protocol: It is the method by which the desktop images and audio are sent to the access device and how the keyboard and mouse data is sent back to the PC. UXP is highly efficient, and excels at multimedia and audio/video synchronization. Access devices : It is inexpensive, small, low-power, reliable, durable boxes. On one side they plug into the users’ peripherals (such as the keyboard, monitor and mouse). On the other side, they connect via cables to the share...

Use Linux file system from Windows!

Generally people use dual-boot system to use Windows and Linux. When you stand in linux you can use windows file but when in Windows you can't use Linux (Ext-2, Ext-3) file system generally. But "Ext2IFS" offers you to use Linux file when you are in Windows. After installing it you can able to read and write files from Windows to Linux. Download this software from here . So get set go....

Free Share Documents and Files in Online !!!

Microsoft corporation gives a new offer to create and share documents and files free. Now anybody can store up to 5GB files in there. You need just a windows live ID. Then you can store and share files from anywhere. Sign up or Sign in  from here with windows live ID. From this offer you can enjoy-     * Store up to 5 GB online     * Works with MS Office word, Excel and Power point     * View,edit,share document with password protection and many more You can store document in office live program from MS Office 2007.     * First click the "Office Button" from MS Office 2007     * Then click the "Open to Office live" or "Save to office live" to open or save file. Now enjoy your digital life with Office live workspace program.

Make a webpage on PDF easily:

Generally we can make PDF different software. That software generally takes a huge amount of space on your hard disk. No tension! "Web2PDF converter" is a new Mozilla Firefox addons which gives you opportunity to convert webpage to PDF or Image format but its size only 10 KB. Download it from here . After installation you find the "Web2PDF converter" icon on the right top side on the browser. Click there to pdf any webpage when you browse that website.  

Safe from virus in Internet!!!

When we browse internet different types of websites are there. Do you know which site are safe for you and which one is harmful. WOT is a Firefox extension which tell you which site are safe for you. It also show the website health status i.e. which is safe for children, which is safe from virus, spy-ware, male-ware and many more. You can download this addons for Firefox from HERE . So browse the internet safely. No tension...

Convert your website to WAP version!!!

You can convert your website as WAP version for mobile or other wireless devices. Generally mobile or other wireless devices create problem to download website directly. When you convert your website to WAP version it is easy to see your site those devices. Well now come to the point. How to convert your site to WAP? It is very easy. Google offers you to convert your web page to WAP version. Click here and type your url on the page and  Now click Go. Now Google convert your site to WAP. The browser url is now for your WAP url.

Send image on your Gmail without attaching!!!

Generally we attach an image in a email. Now Google gives a new offer to give image inside email without attaching. It is a very easy process. Just follow the steps… Sign in your gmail account. Go to Setting> Click the Labs. Find out the "Inserting images" option in below and make sure it "Enable". Now click "Save change". Now when you compose a new mail you can see a image icon up to the mail body editor. Click this button to insert image in the mail.

Expand Your RAM speed!!!

When we use windows operating system, page files are created. Page files work as virtual memory in our computer but its make our computer slow. When you shutdown your computer you may delete those page file automatically. Just follow those step.... Go to control panel Then Administrative Tools>Local Security Policy>Security Setting>Local Policies>Security Options Now from the right side panel click the " Shutdown: Clear virtual memory page file " and make it " Enable ". Now press OK. Now enjoy the speedy RAM of your computer. Best of luck...

Fast your computer: delete unnecessary file

Generally unnecessary prefetch file may slow your computer. You can delete this file from- Run> prefetch> then delete all file. But you can delete this file by automatic using a “.dat” file. Well just open a notepad and write                 del C:\Windows\Prefetch\*.*/Q Now this notepad “deleteprefetch.bat”. This file must be “.bat” format. Now automatically delete prefetch file by clicking this file. Thanks for attention.

Set your favorite picture as background on “Google Search Engine”

You can set your favorite picture as background image on Google Search Engine. You need just a 2.9MB firefox addons. Get the addons here and install the addons. Now the right side of the firefox status bar, click the "Change your Google Background" icon and change your google background from "Google Background Changer". If you also want to see this picture on the background of search result, just click the check box of "Show Image in results page".  Note: This addons works with firefox 3.5 or below.

Use multiple tab on firefox and handle them using numbers!

Generally we open multiple tab in Firefox but can't go to those tab using shortcut. It is a very boring problem. "NumExt" is a Firefox extension that gives us this opportunity. Now you can easily jump any tab using "Ctrl + Tab number" or "Alt + X" then give the tab number in the blank box at right bottom side on the browser. To get this add-ons click here