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Showing posts from December, 2009

How to eliminate the needless visual effects for better windows performance?

Today tip will help you to increase the performance of your computer by eliminating the needless visual effects. By default windows XP gives you many options in the graphics fields to enjoy maximum graphics. For example, you can add pictures on folders and drop shadow on icon to give you better look but it will effect on the performance of your computer, especially on an older computer. Window XP has many default graphics which is not so useful for a common user, if you re-adjust these graphics then there is less effect on the user activities but the performance of computer will be increase tremendously. Here I will tell you how to choose:  To edit these settings, first you should log onto your computer with administrative rights. Click Start button and type sysdm.cpl in Run box then press Ok button for next. Here a dialog box will appear with the title "System Properties", select "Advanced" tab.   Here click on Settings button under ...

How to Highlight Text Permanently in PDF Document

Adobe Acrobat is a very useful tool to preserves the formatting of the original document, for example layout of the document and particularly for large documents, or those containing the images. While reading the PDF file, you can enjoy the advance feature of Highlight Tool in latest Adobe Acrobat profession 6.0 versions. You can easily highlight the text in PDF file with different colors just as you would in a hard copy document. Follow the given steps to highlight the PDF files using Adobe Acrobat: First click on Start button, go to Program then click on "Adobe Acrobat 6.0 professional" to run this application. Now go to File menu and click on Open option to open any PDF file. Here a small dialog will appear with title "Open". Here click on Tools and go to Commenting > Highlighting then Highlighter Tools, now you mouse pointer will display into a cursor shape. Now simply select the text that you want to highlight and your ...

Use of Shortcuts keys in Microsoft Word 2007

In Word 2007, most of the shortcut keys are same from the earlier versions such as Word 2000 and Word 2003. But the interesting thing in Word 2007 is that, Microsoft provides a new look or system for these shortcuts keys. In earlier Word versions, you must be memorized to use the shortcuts keys such as (CTRL + B" to make letters bold and "CTRL + I" to make letters italic). But now do not require planned memorization in latest Word 2007 version. There is a fast, simple, and visual way to find out what you need to press.  Now by pressing the "ALT" button and many options or keyboard shortcuts (containing letters or numbers) will be appear on top of the toolbar buttons. You will see here, For Example: Alt-F = Office Button Alt-1 = Save Alt-2 = Undo Alt-3 = Redo Alt-H = Home Alt-N = Insert tab Alt-P = Page Layout tab Alt-S = References tab Alt-M = Mailings tab Alt-R =Review tab Alt-V =View tab Alt-L = Developer tab ...

Windows Seven

Windows 7 is the latest operating system by Microsoft Corporation for use on personal computers, including home and business, laptops and tablet PC released on the date of 22th October, 2009. New Features At first there is no difference between Windows Vista and Windows 7 for its same user interface, but main modification comes out when you working with your computer. Advance search option, stronger security policies, good reliability, faster response etc are the new features of Windows 7. The task bar has seen the biggest visual changes, where the Quick Launch toolbar has been replaced with pinning application to the task bar. Buttons for pinned applications are integrated with the task buttons. These buttons also enable the Jump List feature to allow easy access to common tasks. The revamped task bar also allows the reordering of task bar buttons. To the far right of the system clock is a small rectangular button that serves as the show desktop icon. This button is part of the n...


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